League of Legends: Sylas, the Unshackled Mage
A comprehensive guide to Sylas, the Unshackled King, a powerful AP assassin/mage hybrid in League of Legends.
Sylas excels at stealing enemy ultimates and converting them for his own use, making him an extremely versatile champion. His kit revolves around close-range combat using his chains and magical abilities.
Key Abilities:
Petricite Burst (Passive)
- After casting abilities, empowers next basic attack
- Deals magic damage to primary target and nearby enemies
- Gains bonus attack speed with charges
Chain Lash (Q)
- Lashes chains that converge and detonate
- Deals magic damage and slows enemies
- Secondary explosion after brief delay
Kingslayer (W)
- Lunges at target dealing magic damage
- Heals Sylas when hitting champions
- Healing increases at low health
Abscond/Abduct (E)
- First cast: Dashes forward
- Second cast: Hooks enemy and pulls Sylas to them
- Stuns target and provides knockup on arrival
Hijack (R)
- Steals enemy ultimate abilities
- Converts AD ratios to AP scaling
- Can't target same champion again for duration
Key Tips:
- Use Hijack strategically based on team composition
- Chain abilities together for maximum burst damage
- Time W healing for clutch sustain in fights
- E provides engage and escape options
- Build AP items to maximize damage conversion
Best paired with teams that:
- Have strong ultimates to steal
- Need AP damage
- Want pick potential
- Can follow up on his CC
Core Items:
- Everfrost
- Zhonya's Hourglass
- Cosmic Drive
Best played in mid or top lane as an AP bruiser/assassin hybrid.
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