League of Legends Patch V0.8.21.110 - Major Champion & Gameplay Updates
New Skins in the Store
- Human Ryze skin release
PVP.net Beta Build v0.21.38 Updates
- Fixed memory leak in Rune Combiner
- Enhanced Landing Page
- Added new sounds
- Improved mastery/rune saving features
- Fixed matchmaking and chat room bugs
- Enhanced Buddy List Window appearance
- Improved error messaging
Champion Changes
- Pulverize stun duration increased to 1.5s from 1s
- Improved base stats
- Enhanced Rebirth armor scaling
- Flash Frost and Crystallize range/width increases
- Glacial Storm improvements and cost reduction
- Feast now has flat HP consume values
- No longer bypasses revival abilities
- Lay Waste AoE increased to 200 from 185
- Increased base health and scaling
- Multiple ability improvements across Powerball, Defensive Ball Curl, and Tremors
Other notable changes:
- Nunu ability adjustments
- Teemo and Tryndamere balance updates
- Multiple item cost and stat adjustments
- Spell tweaks including Clairvoyance and Flash changes
Turret/Inhibitor Changes
- Reduced base armor for turrets
- Adjusted inhibitor health and respawn times
- Modified anti-backdoor protection
Jungle Updates
- Increased buff durations
- Dragon and Baron adjustments
- Modified monster scaling and respawn timers
General Updates
- Super minion improvements
- Fixed crash bugs and monster leashing
- Various system optimizations

Young Ryze champion portrait
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