League of Legends Patch History: Azir Character Updates & Changes
Here's a chronological patch history for Azir in League of Legends:
Notable Changes:
Base Stats Updates (Most Recent):
- Base health: 550
- Base movespeed: 335
- Base armor: 25
- Base mana: 320
Key Ability Changes:
Arise! (W):
- Base damage: 0-45 (based on level)
- AP ratio: 35/40/45/50/55%
- Soldiers now apply on-hit effects at 50% effectiveness
- Command range reduced to 660
- Recharge time: 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds
Conquering Sands (Q):
- Cooldown: 14/12/10/8/6 seconds
- Base damage: 60/80/100/120/140
- AP ratio: 35%
- Mana cost: 70/80/90/100/110
Shifting Sands (E):
- Cooldown: 22/20.5/19/17.5/16 seconds
- Shield duration: 1.5 seconds
- Shield scales with 70% AP
- Gains Arise! charge on champion hit
Emperor's Divide (R):
- Base damage: 200/400/600
- AP ratio: 75%
- Wall duration: 3 seconds
- Cooldown: 120/105/90 seconds
Major Mechanical Changes:
- Soldiers can now apply on-hit effects
- Improved soldier control responsiveness
- Reduced soldier command range
- Added shield scaling on Shifting Sands
- Removed knockback from stationary wall
- Fixed multiple bugs with soldier attacks and ability interactions
[Note: This is formatted to be concise while retaining the most important historical changes and current state of the champion. Each section focuses on the key information relevant to players.]
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