League of Legends - Death and Respawn Mechanics Guide
Death in League of Legends occurs when a champion's health reaches zero. Upon death, players experience a gray screen overlay, death recap, and death timer while being able to shop from the fountain.
Death Timer Mechanics:
Summoner's Rift:
- Base Respawn Wait (BRW) time varies by champion level (10-52.5 seconds)
- After 15 minutes, Time Increase Factor (TIFx) applies:
- 0.425% between 15-30 minutes
- 0.3% between 30-45 minutes
- 1.45% after 45 minutes
- Maximum death timer occurs at 55 minutes at level 18
Howling Abyss:
- Death Timer = Level × 2 + 4 (6-40 seconds)
- All champions start at level 3 with 10-second respawn
Effects Lost on Death:
- Cast times and channels interrupt
- Temporary buffs (Health Potions, Baron, Dragon)
- Transferable buffs go to killer (Blue/Red buff)
- Stack-based items (Dark Seal, Mejai's)
Death Prevention Mechanics:
Resurrection Effects (in priority order):
- Zilean's Chronoshift
- Guardian Angel
- Anivia's Rebirth/Zac's Cell Division
Minimum Health Threshold Abilities:
- Kindred's Lamb's Respite
- Pantheon's Grand Starfall
- Tryndamere's Undying Rage
Zombie States:
- Allows champion control after death
- Applies to Karthus, Kog'Maw, and Sion
- Cannot use certain abilities or interact with specific mechanics
- Death timer starts immediately upon entering zombie state
Revival Mechanics:
- Akshan's Going Rogue can revive dead allies
Death Order of Events:
- Mordekaiser's Realm of Death effects
- Viego's Sovereign's Domination
- Zombie state effects
- Lissandra's Iceborn Subjugation
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