League of Legends: Complete Tryndamere Patch History and Changes Over Time
The history of Tryndamere's balance changes in League of Legends, organized chronologically from latest to earliest:
Recent Changes:
- Attack speed ratio increased to 0.694 from 0.61
- Armor growth increased to 4.8 from 4.3
- Bloodlust base bonus attack damage reduced to 5/10/15/20/25 from 10/15/20/25/30
Major Gameplay Updates:
- Now uses Fury system instead of rage
- Gained 5 Fury per hit, 10 per crit, 10 extra per kill
- Fury decays after being out of combat
- Battle Fury grants up to 35% critical strike chance based on Fury
Key Ability Changes:
- Spinning Slash: Multiple adjustments to damage, cooldown and mechanics
- Undying Rage: Duration reduced to 5 seconds from 6
- Mocking Shout: Various adjustments to slow and debuff duration
Stats Adjustments:
- Base health, armor and attack damage received multiple tweaks
- Movement speed standardized at 345
- Attack speed and regeneration values balanced over time
Visual Updates:
- Received new model and animations
- Hitbox size increased by 20%
- New visual effects for all abilities
- Updated ability icons and splash art
Bug Fixes:
- Multiple fixes to Spinning Slash mechanics
- Fixed critical strike resolution timing
- Corrected interaction with other ultimates
The changes demonstrate Riot's ongoing efforts to balance Tryndamere's power level while maintaining his identity as a fury-driven warrior.
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