League of Legends: Complete Smite Spell Guide
Smite is a unit-targeted summoner spell that deals true damage to large or medium monsters, enemy minions, and pets. It's essential for jungling and required to purchase jungle pets like Gustwalker Hatchling, Mosstomper Seedling, or Scorchclaw Pup.

Orange flame spell effect
Key Features:
- Starts with 1 charge on a 15-second cooldown
- Gains additional charge every 90 seconds after 1:30 (max 2 charges)
- No cast time and can be used during other ability channels
- Prioritizes epic monsters within 350 units if cursor isn't on valid target
- Deals true damage that cannot be reduced or amplified
- Draws minion aggro when used on enemy champions

Blue frog summoner icon with sword
Strategic Uses:
- Securing objectives like Dragon and Baron Nashor
- Speeding up jungle clear time
- Pushing lanes faster (especially on siege minions)
- Removing enemy pets like Tibbers and Shaco boxes
- Creating skillshot opportunities by removing blocking minions

Primal Smite ability visual effect
- Unleashed Smite: Unlocked after feeding jungle pet 20 treats
- Deals 900 true damage to monsters/minions
- Can damage champions for 80-160 true damage with 20% slow
- Primal Smite: Unlocked after feeding jungle pet 40 treats
- Deals 1200 true damage to primary target
- 100% damage to nearby monsters
- Includes pet-specific bonuses for movement speed, shielding, or damage over time
In URF mode:
- Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds
- Recharge timer increased to 120 seconds
The spell has evolved significantly since its introduction, with various iterations including removed versions like Challenging, Chilling, Blasting, and Scavenging Smite. Current versions focus on jungle clear speed and objective control while providing strategic options for team play.
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