League of Legends: Complete Guide to Nomad's Medallion (Removed Item)
Nomad's Medallion was a support item in League of Legends that was removed in patch V9.23. It provided essential gold generation and vision control for support champions.
Core Stats:
- 10% cooldown reduction
- 50% base mana regeneration
- 10 movement speed
- Unique passive: Favor
Favor Passive:
- Enemy minions killed by allies occasionally drop coins
- Gold coins grant 50 gold
- Mana coins restore 6% missing mana (minimum 10)
- Average of 2 coins per minion wave
- Coin drops alternate between gold and mana
Quest System:
- Required collecting 500 gold to complete
- Completion rewards:
- Transforms into Nomad's Eye
- Grants ward placement ability (3 charges)
- Announces completion to team
Optimal Usage:
- Best suited for lane-focused support champions
- Coin drop rate increases by 11.11% per minion death
- Rate decreases by 33.33% when a coin drops
- Champion takedowns spawn pursuing coins
Evolution: The item underwent several significant changes:
- Started as Philosopher's Stone
- Changed to Nomad's Medallion
- Final form was Nomad's Eye
- Removed from game in patch V9.23
Gold Efficiency:
- Base stats were 63.14% gold efficient
- Became efficient after collecting 7 gold coins
- Without Favor, needed 26 minutes 7 seconds to become efficient
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