League of Legends: Complete Guide to Characters and Creatures

League of Legends: Complete Guide to Characters and Creatures

By Marcus Chen

February 20, 2025 at 11:57 PM

The ancient brackern Skarner is a founding member of Ixtal's ruling Yun Tal caste and serves as the nation's devoted guardian. From his chamber beneath Ixaocan, he uses his ability to sense earth vibrations to detect potential threats to his people.

Born to the legendary broodmother Nixalẹ, Skarner developed powerful elemental geomancy abilities and a unique talent for detecting underground movement. While initially distrustful of humans settling in Ixtal, his curiosity led him to secretly observe them. After saving their settlement from a devastating rockslide, he became their revered protector and helped shape their civilization.

As a founding member of the Yun Tal, Skarner advised against allying with the expanding Shuriman Empire. Following Shurima's collapse and witnessing the destruction of the Rune Wars, he convinced the Yun Tal to isolate Ixtal from the outside world. He now permanently resides in an underground chamber, growing increasingly paranoid as younger Ixtali question their isolation.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Kaiju-sized scorpion-like creature with six legs
  • Three stinger-tipped tails and thick grasping pincers
  • Teal and white carapace with decorative paint
  • Semi-humanoid head with glowing teal eyes

Key Abilities:

  • Brackern geomancy (earth manipulation)
  • Vibrational threat detection
  • Immense physical strength
  • Extended lifespan

Notable Traits:

  • Commanding and formal presence
  • Deeply protective of Ixtal
  • Increasingly paranoid about outside threats
  • Stubborn and set in his beliefs
  • Values his judgment above others

The Brackern communicate through vibrational tones that translate into the listener's language. While Skarner cares for mortals, his distrust of the outside world and determination to maintain Ixtal's isolation has grown stronger, leading him to consider extreme measures to protect his adopted homeland.

Crystal scorpion warrior Skarner

Crystal scorpion warrior Skarner

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