League of Legends Characters and Creatures Guide | Complete Wiki

League of Legends Characters and Creatures Guide | Complete Wiki

By Marcus Chen

February 18, 2025 at 06:51 AM

Shuriman Wildlife Guide

The diverse wildlife of Shurima has adapted to survive in the harsh desert environment. Here are the notable creatures that inhabit this region:

Brackern Ancient crystalline creatures that live in clans throughout the Shuriman desert.

Dormun Massive creatures with chitinous plates that can sense hidden water reservoirs. Nomadic tribes often build settlements on their backs.

Desert landscape with massive stone structures

Desert landscape with massive stone structures

Eka'Sul Desert goats that travel in herds.

Mwatis Goat-like creatures with plated head casques, valued for their wool and protective plates.

Kmiros Giant scarabs that hunt in swarms, preying on travelers.

Outerbeasts Void creatures including the Xer'Sai that plague the southern deserts. The most notorious is Rek'Sai, their queen.

Rek'Sai, purple void creature burrowing

Rek'Sai, purple void creature burrowing

Ralsiji Large, aggressive minotaur-like quadrupeds with humped backs and thick horns.

Shuriman Camels Native desert camels used for transportation, though vulnerable to predators like Xer'Sai.

Sandswimmers Massive creatures that travel in predictable patterns under the sand using webbed feet, feeding on small desert creatures.

Skallashi Large quadrupedal herbivores with distinctive long legs, used as beasts of burden. Though ill-tempered, they're treated with reverence and often decorated with protective symbols.

Ancient desert city with golden pyramids

Ancient desert city with golden pyramids

Trundle is a powerful frost troll who rules over his territory in the Freljord with brutal force. As the self-proclaimed king of frost trolls, he wields Boneshiver, a massive club made of True Ice granted by Lissandra in exchange for his allegiance.

Trundle concept art from League of Legends

Trundle concept art from League of Legends

Key Characteristics:

  • Massive blue-skinned troll with glowing eyes and red hair
  • Wears simple tribal attire with fur and leather
  • Clever and ambitious despite his brutish appearance
  • Allied with Lissandra's Frostguard
  • Territorial and aggressive toward intruders
  • Commands a fearsome troll army


  • Serves Lissandra in exchange for power
  • Conflicts with Ashe's Avarosan tribe
  • Has faced Ryze in battles over World Runes

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