League of Legends Champion: Jarvan IV - The Exemplar of Demacia
Jarvan IV is a melee champion in League of Legends who excels as a diver and fighter. His kit revolves around aggressive engage potential and battlefield control.
Passive - Martial Cadence:
- Basic attacks deal bonus physical damage equal to 8% of target's current health
- Has a 6-second cooldown per target
- Minimum damage: 20
- Capped at 400 damage against non-champions
Q - Dragon Strike:
- Extends lance in target direction dealing physical damage
- Reduces enemy armor for 3 seconds
- Can combo with Demacian Standard for a knock-up dash
W - Golden Aegis:
- Slows nearby enemies for 2 seconds
- Grants shield for 4 seconds
- Shield increases by 1.3% max health per champion hit
E - Demacian Standard:
- Passive: Grants bonus attack speed
- Active: Throws flag dealing magic damage
- Flag provides vision and attack speed aura to nearby allies
- Lasts 8 seconds
R - Cataclysm:
- Leaps to target enemy champion
- Creates impassable terrain ring for 3.5 seconds
- Deals physical damage and knocks aside enemies
- Can be recast to destroy terrain after 0.75 seconds
Key Strengths:
- Strong engage potential
- Good early ganking
- Terrain control
- Team fight initiation
- Armor reduction
Best used as a jungle initiator who can lock down priority targets and create advantageous team fight scenarios through terrain manipulation and crowd control.
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