Kled Champion Guide: Master the Cantankerous Cavalier in Top Lane
Kled is an aggressive top lane fighter known for his unique mount mechanic with Skaarl, the Cowardly Lizard. His playstyle revolves around aggressive trading and all-in potential, making him a formidable duelist in the top lane.
Core Mechanics:
- Passive: Skaarl provides a second health bar that can be regained through combat
- Primary role is top lane fighter
- Excels at aggressive trades and all-in engages
- Strong early game presence with high damage potential
Ability Priority:
- Q (Bear Trap on a Rope)
- W (Violent Tendencies)
- E (Jousting)
- R (Chaaaaaaaarge!!!)
Early Game Skill Order:
- Level 1: Start Q for trading and last hitting
- Level 2-4: Hold skill point if needed, as W auto-triggers on attacks
- Always max Q first for maximum trading potential
Core Item Build:
- Starting: Doran's Blade + Health Potion
- Core: Eclipse > Black Cleaver > Death's Dance
- Situational: Ravenous Hydra, Guardian Angel, Maw of Malmortius
Key Gameplay Tips:
- Use Q for safe trading and securing minions
- Time W activation carefully to maximize damage output
- Save E for both engage and disengage situations
- Build AD items early as Skaarl provides natural tankiness
- Focus on wave management and trading patterns
- Look for opportunities to roam with ultimate
Trading Pattern:
- Lead with Q to engage
- Follow up with W auto-attacks
- Use E to reposition or chase
- Disengage when Skaarl's health is low
Late Game Strategy:
- Split push when ahead
- Look for flanks with ultimate
- Build survivability items to maintain Skaarl uptime
- Focus on picking off carries in teamfights
Counter Play:
- Vulnerable when dismounted
- Weak to sustained damage
- Can be kited when E is on cooldown
- Struggles against ranged matchups
Success with Kled requires aggressive positioning, precise ability timing, and good communication with your team. Master these elements to dominate the top lane and create pressure across the map.
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