Galio Support Guide: Master The Colossus In Bot Lane
A versatile tank support, Galio excels at countering assassins and melee fighters while providing strong CC and team protection. His kit makes him particularly effective against frontline supports in the bot lane.
Core Abilities and Mechanics:
- Shield of Durand (W): Primary engagement tool that taunts enemies and provides magic damage shield
- Heroic Entrance (R): Semi-global ultimate that knocks up enemies and shields allies
- Justice Punch (E): Mobility and CC tool that knocks up the first enemy hit
- Winds of War (Q): Damage ability for wave clear and harass
Ability Priority: R > W > E > Q

Person wearing gaming headset
Optimal Build Path:
Starting Items:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- 2 Health Potions
Core Items:
- Evenshroud
- Plated Steelcaps/Mercury Treads
- Dead Man's Plate
Situational Items:
- Thornmail (vs heavy AD/healing)
- Force of Nature (vs heavy AP)
- Knight's Vow (to protect carries)
- Zeke's Convergence (for additional CC)
Gameplay Tips:
- Use W defensively to peel for carries against dive compositions
- Coordinate R with teammates who have strong engage abilities
- Position aggressively in lane to zone enemies with W threat
- Look for roaming opportunities with R to support other lanes
- Prioritize vision control around objectives for effective R usage
Best Matchups:
- Assassin supports (Pyke, Pantheon)
- Engage supports (Leona, Nautilus)
- Short-range ADCs
Challenging Matchups:
- Poke supports (Karma, Xerath)
- Enchanter supports with disengage
- Long-range ADCs
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