Fizz Champion Guide: Master The Tidal Trickster in League Patch 15.4.1

Fizz Champion Guide: Master The Tidal Trickster in League Patch 15.4.1

By Marcus Chen

February 26, 2025 at 02:06 AM

Fizz - The AP Assassin Guide

Fizz excels as a mid-lane AP assassin, particularly effective in lower ELOs due to his snowball potential and ability to punish positioning mistakes. While straightforward to learn, his kit requires strategic ability management to maximize effectiveness.

Core Abilities Priority

  1. E (Playful/Trickster)
  2. W (Seastone Trident)
  3. Q (Urchin Strike)

E Ability Mechanics

  • SlowE: Default landing with larger AoE damage and slow effect (80% usage)
  • FastE: Extended jump with smaller damage radius but better directional control

Optimal Trade Pattern

  1. Initiate with FastE (ideally dodging enemy ability)
  2. Auto-attack
  3. W (auto-attack reset)
  4. Q to escape through minion

Ultimate Usage Tips

  • Cast from out of vision when possible
  • Hide animation during Q dash
  • Use E to dodge CC when shark is about to emerge

Core Build Path Starting Items:

  • Dark Seal + Refillable Potion
  • Corrupting Potion (alternative)

Core Items:

  1. Luden's Tempest
  2. Sorcerer's Shoes
  3. Rabadon's Deathcap
  4. Void Staff

Situational Items:

  • Zhonya's Hourglass (vs AD threats)
  • Banshee's Veil (vs AP threats)
  • Lichbane (for split pushing)
  • Shadowflame (vs shield-heavy teams)

Key Strengths

  • Strong snowball potential
  • Excellent roaming capability
  • High burst damage
  • Good waveclear with E

Key Weaknesses

  • Reliant on E for multiple purposes
  • Vulnerable when E is on cooldown
  • Struggles against ranged control mages
  • Limited utility when behind

Fizz's success depends heavily on proper E management and understanding when to engage. Focus on farming safely until level 3, then look for trade opportunities using the optimal trade pattern. After 6, coordinate with your jungler to secure kills with your ultimate.

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