Faker Falls for Tricky Mel Ability Interaction in Pro Match
Faker, one of League of Legends' most accomplished players, recently discovered a surprising interaction with new champion Mel's Rebuttal ability during a professional match in the LCK Cup 2024.

Faker, pro League of Legends player
During his first professional game with Mel against HLE, Faker learned that her Rebuttal ability - which typically reflects enemy projectiles - can actually backfire in certain situations. This was demonstrated when he attempted to use it against Sylas's Abduct ability, resulting in Faker being pulled under the enemy tower instead of reflecting the ability as intended.

Mel Arcane Councilor from League
Key points about Mel's Rebuttal interaction:
- The ability reflects most projectiles back at enemies
- Against Sylas's E (Abduct), it causes the user to be pulled instead of reflecting
- This interaction differs from similar abilities like Blitzcrank or Pyke hooks
- The short cooldown of Rebuttal may tempt players to use it reactively, which can be dangerous
Bug hunter Vandril has tested Rebuttal against 188 different abilities, confirming this interaction is consistent. While Mel is currently receiving balance adjustments from Riot, players should be particularly cautious when facing Sylas, as he can use this interaction to his advantage.
This discovery serves as an important reminder that even the most experienced players can be caught off guard by new champion interactions, and careful ability usage is crucial in League of Legends.
[Images continue as in original article...]
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