Draven Optimal Runes Guide for Bot Lane | Patch 15.4
Draven's optimal runes for patch 15.4 deliver a 50.4% win rate with a 42.4% pick rate across 25,849 matches.
Primary Runes (Precision)
- Keystone: Lethal Tempo
- Triumph
- Legend: Bloodline
- Coup de Grace
Secondary Runes (Sorcery)
- Absolute Focus
- Gathering Storm
Strong Against:
- Zeri (55.2% WR)
- Kai'Sa (54.4% WR)
- Hwei (52.5% WR)
- Smolder (52.2% WR)
- Varus (51.8% WR)
- Lux (51.5% WR)
Weak Against:
- Swain (41.6% WR)
- Yasuo (45.8% WR)
- Kog'Maw (46.2% WR)
- Ziggs (47.3% WR)
- Mel (47.7% WR)
- Jinx (48.6% WR)
Best Support Synergies:
- Taric (54.5% WR)
- Maokai (54.3% WR)
- Zilean (54.2% WR)
- Neeko (53.7% WR)
- Thresh (53.3% WR)
- Bard (52.8% WR)
Key Tips:
- Avoid picking up Spinning Axes (Q) when it would put you in danger of enemy skillshots or CC
- Play conservatively when carrying high Adoration stacks; request jungle/mid assistance to cash out safely
- During trades, maintain awareness of your position, enemy position, and Spinning Axe drop locations
This setup maximizes Draven's early game damage potential while scaling well into late game through Gathering Storm and Legend: Bloodline.
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