Diana - Complete Jungle Champion Guide & Build Path
Diana is a powerful magic damage jungler combining simple mechanics with strong power spikes. Her abilities synergize perfectly, with E resets on Q-marked targets enabling high mobility and burst potential.
Key Strengths
- Excellent AoE jungle clear
- Strong post-6 ganking potential
- High burst damage
- Good objective control
Abilities Priority
- Q (Crescent Strike)
- W (Pale Cascade)
- E (Lunar Rush)
- R (Moonfall)
Core Build
- Starting: Hailblade + Refillable Potion
- Core Items: Night Harvester, Shadowflame, Zhonya's Hourglass
- Boots: Sorcerer's Shoes
- Situational: Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff, Demonic Embrace
Jungle Pathing
- Start Red Buff → Raptors → Wolves → Blue Buff → Gromp
- Look for level 6 before aggressive ganking
- Focus on power farming early game
Gameplay Tips
- Use Q+E combo for guaranteed damage and mobility
- Save W for damage mitigation in fights
- Post-6 engage with R followed by Q+E for maximum burst
- Prioritize objectives after successful ganks
- Counter-jungle when ahead and enemy location is known
- Strong against: Immobile champions, squishies
- Weak against: Early game duelists, heavy CC comps
Team Fighting
- Look for flanks on backline
- Use R to disrupt enemy positioning
- Follow up on team's CC for guaranteed combos
- Build Zhonya's for survivability in deep dives
Remember to maintain farm while looking for gank opportunities, as Diana scales well with items and levels. Avoid early skirmishes until core items are obtained.
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