Destiny 2's Senior Sandbox Lead Chris Proctor Departs Bungie After 5-Year Legacy

Wooden-handled rifle in Destiny 2
Chris Proctor, Destiny 2's senior design lead for sandbox craft and former weapons feature lead, has announced his departure from Bungie after more than five years with the company. His last day was February 4, 2024, following his resignation in December 2023.

Smiling man in plaid shirt
During his tenure, Proctor made significant contributions to Destiny 2's weapon systems and gameplay mechanics, including:
- Development of Adept weapons and Origin Traits
- Creation of popular seasonal weapon sets
- Design of iconic Exotic weapons including:
- Traveler's Chosen
- Hawkmoon (reprised)
- Cloudstrike
- Dead Man's Tale
- Osteo Striga
- Quicksilver Storm
- Buried Bloodline
- Euphony
Proctor was a familiar face to the community, regularly appearing on developer livestreams to discuss weapons, perks, and balance changes. His work helped shape the current weapon sandbox, introducing new archetypes and perks that enhanced Guardian gameplay and subclass synergies.
While Proctor's departure marks the end of an era for Destiny 2's weapon development, his legacy lives on in the numerous improvements and innovations he brought to the game's combat systems. He will be moving to a new role in another country, with details to be announced in the coming weeks.
[Remaining images retained but omitted for conciseness as they were repetitive or decorative rather than informative]
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