Comprehensive Senna Support Guide: Strategy, Builds & Tips
Senna is a powerful long-range support champion who excels at poking enemies while healing allies. Her unique passive allows her to scale infinitely, transitioning into a carry role in late game.
- Strong poke damage and healing with Q
- Can CC multiple enemies with W, especially effective in choke points
- Team-wide stealth with E for strategic plays
- Excellent scaling through passive soul collection
- Global presence with ultimate shield and damage
- Highly immobile and vulnerable to all-ins
- Heavily punished when W is on cooldown
- High mana costs, especially on Q
- E stealth countered by Control Wards
Early Game (Levels 1-5)
- Focus on collecting souls and poking safely
- Secure level 2 advantage with first wave plus 3 melee minions
- Play aggressive when possible but maintain safe positioning
Mid Game (Levels 6-13)
- Utilize ultimate for cross-map impact
- Rotate after taking bottom tower
- Establish vision control around objectives
- Look for picks with team coordination
Late Game (Levels 14+)
- Position carefully in teamfights
- Focus on peeling for carries
- Maximize damage output through collected souls
- Excel in choke point battles
- Can effectively deal with both squishies and tanks
Key Tips
- Always move with team to avoid getting caught
- Ward objectives safely and maintain vision control
- Use W carefully as missing it leaves you vulnerable
- Manage mana consumption, especially with Q
- Scale your damage through consistent soul collection
Power Spikes
- Level 2: Access to CC with W
- Level 6: Global ultimate presence
- Level 9: Maxed Q for optimal healing and damage
- Core items completion: Significant damage increase despite support role
Remember to consistently collect souls throughout the game to maximize your scaling potential while maintaining support duties for your team.
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