Comprehensive Season 15 Yasuo Champion Guide & Build Path
Yasuo is an agile melee champion who excels in the mid lane as a bruiser. His unique playstyle revolves around mobility, critical strikes, and wind techniques.
Passive Abilities:
- Way of the Wanderer: Doubles critical strike chance from items (with reduced crit damage)
- Flow: Generates a shield while moving, activating upon champion damage
Core Abilities:
Q - Steel Tempest
- Short-range thrust dealing physical damage
- Can critically strike
- Cooldown reduces with attack speed
- Third cast creates a tornado that knocks up enemies
W - Wind Wall
- Projects a wall that blocks enemy projectiles
- High cooldown; requires strategic timing
- Essential against ranged champions
E - Sweeping Blade
- Short-cooldown dash through targets
- Builds stacks to increase subsequent dash damage
- Can be combined with Q for spinning slash
- Maximum 4 damage stacks
- Each target has individual cooldown
R - Last Breath
- Can only target airborne enemies
- Extends airborne duration
- Deals physical damage
- Grants 50% bonus armor penetration after cast
- Instantly fills Flow shield
Skill Order Priority:
- Q - Steel Tempest
- E - Sweeping Blade
- W - Wind Wall
Core Build Path:
- Starting: Doran's Blade + Health Potion
- Core Items: Berserker's Greaves, Immortal Shieldbow, Infinity Edge
- Defensive Options: Death's Dance, Guardian Angel
- Situational: Bloodthirster, Mortal Reminder
Gameplay Tips:
- Focus on farming safely early game
- Use E mobility to dodge skillshots
- Save Wind Wall for crucial projectiles
- Build more defensively after core items
- Utilize Q-E combinations for unexpected engage angles
- Practice combos to maximize damage output
This champion requires significant practice to master but offers high outplay potential and consistent scaling throughout the game.
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