Best Warwick Jungle Build and Guide for 14.23 Patch
Warwick's jungle gameplay revolves around his strong early game presence and excellent ganking potential. This build guide focuses on maximizing his strengths as a fighter and skirmisher.
Core Build
- First Item: Stridebreaker
- Boots: Plated Steelcaps
- Core Items: Blade of The Ruined King, Thornmail, Spirit Visage, Sterak's Gage
Runes Primary (Precision):
- Press the Attack
- Triumph
- Legend: Alacrity
- Last Stand
Secondary (Sorcery):
- Celerity
- Waterwalking
- Attack Speed
- Adaptive Force
- Health Scaling
Summoner Spells
- Flash
- Smite
Skill Order W > Q > E
Key Strategy Tips
- Leverage your early game strength by ganking frequently
- Use your Ultimate (R) to secure kills whenever it's available
- Prioritize Dragon control due to strong early-game dueling
Strong Against
- Jayce (100% WR)
- Heimerdinger (100% WR)
- Ryze (100% WR)
- Shaco (100% WR)
- Master Yi (93.3% WR over 15 games)
Weak Against
- Evelynn
- Rumble
- Amumu
- Mordekaiser
- Vayne
Situational Itemization Adjust your defensive stats based on enemy composition:
- Heavy AD: Consider armor items
- Heavy AP: Prioritize magic resist
- Mixed damage: Balance resistances accordingly
Current overall win rate: 48.0% based on 50 matches
This build performs best in Emerald+ elo and should be adapted based on specific game circumstances and team compositions.
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