Best Volibear Top Lane Build Guide & Counter Tips | Patch 15.4
Volibear is a powerful top lane champion who excels at early game trades and sustained fights. Here's a comprehensive guide to maximize your success with the Thunder's Roar.
Core Build
- Starting Items: Doran's Shield
- Core Items: Rod of Ages → Ionian Boots of Lucidity → Navori Flickerblade
- Final Items: Spirit Visage → Unending Despair → Jak'Sho, The Protean
Optimal Runes
- Primary: Press the Attack, Presence of Mind, Legend: Haste, Last Stand
- Secondary: Jack Of All Trades, Triple Tonic
- Shards: Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Health (adjust based on matchup)
Summoner Spells
- Flash
- Teleport
Skill Order
- W (Frenzied Maul)
- Q (Thundering Smash)
- E (Sky Splitter)
Strong Matchups (Win Rate)
- Yorick (100%)
- Gangplank (90%)
- Tahm Kench (81.8%)
- Akali (80%)
- Illaoi (75%)
Weak Matchups (Win Rate)
- Aurora (14.3%)
- Kayle (25%)
- Gwen (25%)
- Teemo (25%)
- Vladimir (28.6%)
Key Tips
- Keep minion waves close to your tower early game for favorable trades
- Activate Q when close to enemies to ensure CC lands
- Focus on securing early game advantages
- Time your engage carefully with Q activation
- Use wave management to create opportunities for trades
Current Performance This build maintains a 49.2% win rate across 63 matches in Emerald+ ranking.
Situational Items Adapt your build based on enemy composition and game state, particularly focusing on defensive items against specific damage types. Consider alternate defensive rune shards (Armor/Magic Resist) based on lane matchup.
Remember to adjust your playstyle and build path according to specific matchups and team compositions for optimal performance.