Best Mid Cho'Gath Runes - 54.5% Win Rate in Patch 15.4
Based on 14,910 matches in patch 15.4, Cho'Gath mid achieves a 54.5% win rate with a 67.3% pick rate using the Domination/Sorcery rune combination.
Optimal Rune Setup:
- Primary (Domination): Hail of Blades, Cheap Shot, Grisly Mementos, Ultimate Hunter
- Secondary (Sorcery): Axiom Arcanist, Celerity
Strong Matchups:
- Vladimir (56.7% WR)
- Yorick (54.7% WR)
- Nasus (54.5% WR)
- Akali (54.0% WR)
- Sion (53.9% WR)
- Sylas (53.9% WR)
Weak Matchups:
- Dr. Mundo (45.0% WR)
- Ornn (46.8% WR)
- Kled (47.0% WR)
- Yone (47.2% WR)
- Mordekaiser (47.2% WR)
- Sett (47.5% WR)
Best Duo Synergies:
- Gwen (56.5% WR)
- Rammus (56.0% WR)
- Bel'Veth (55.7% WR)
- Darius (55.3% WR)
- Rek'Sai (55.1% WR)
- Master Yi (54.9% WR)
Essential Tips:
- Cast Q slightly behind enemies to make dodging more difficult
- Only use Ultimate (R) when the execute marker appears
- Conserve Q and W cooldowns unless certain of safety, as enemies may exploit these windows
These statistics and strategies are based on high-elo gameplay patterns and should be adapted according to individual playstyle and team composition.
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