Best Graves Build for Jungle: 52.7% Win Rate Meta Guide
Graves is currently a strong jungler with a 52.7% win rate across 18,906 matches in Emerald+ ranked games. Here's the optimal setup for maximum effectiveness:
Core Build:
- First Item: Youmuu's Ghostblade
- Boots: Plated Steelcaps
- Core Items: The Collector, Lord Dominik's Regards, Immortal Shieldbow, Infinity Edge
- Primary: Dark Harvest, Sudden Impact, Grisly Mementos, Treasure Hunter
- Secondary: Legend: Alacrity, Triumph
- Shards: Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Health Scaling
Skill Order: Q > E > W
Key Tips:
- Position Q against walls for quick explosions during duels
- Use E to cancel auto-attack animations
- Save E when you have 2 auto attacks available
- Utilize E and R for both chase and escape over walls
Strong Against:
- Gragas (56.6% WR)
- Elise (55.5% WR)
- Talon (55.1% WR)
Weak Against:
- Rengar (42.4% WR)
- Zyra (44.0% WR)
- Nunu & Willump (45.0% WR)
Best Synergies:
- Swain (56.7% WR)
- Akshan (54.8% WR)
- Talon (54.3% WR)
Alternative Build Option: First item The Collector instead of Youmuu's Ghostblade, maintaining the same core items and runes for a 50.7% win rate over 1,341 matches.
Off-Meta Build: Replace Youmuu's with Hubris as first item while keeping the same core build path, showing 51.3% win rate across 665 matches.
Always adjust your build based on matchup and team composition, particularly considering defensive options against heavy AD or AP threats.