Best Gnar Mid Build Guide & Runes for Season 15
Gnar is a versatile mid-lane champion with a strong 59.6% win rate in Emerald+ ranked games. Here's the optimal build and strategy:
Summoner Spells
- Flash
- Teleport
Core Runes
- Primary: Grasp of the Undying, Demolish, Bone Plating, Overgrowth
- Secondary: Legend: Alacrity, Triumph
- Shards: Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Health Scaling (adjust based on matchup)
Core Item Build
- Trinity Force
- Plated Steelcaps
- Black Cleaver
- Sterak's Gage
- Wit's End
- Guardian Angel
Skill Order Q > W > E
Strong Against
- Poppy (57.9% WR)
- Volibear (57.5% WR)
- Dr. Mundo (57.2% WR)
- Trundle (56.5% WR)
- Sion (55.7% WR)
Weak Against
- Zac (42.3% WR)
- Maokai (44.3% WR)
- Cassiopeia (44.3% WR)
- Karma (44.4% WR)
- Quinn (45.2% WR)
Best Synergies
- Volibear (58.8% WR)
- Fiddlesticks (57.6% WR)
- Bel'Veth (55.4% WR)
- Karthus (54.3% WR)
- Skarner (53.9% WR)
Situational Items Adjust your build based on matchups and team compositions. Consider defensive items against heavy AP or AD teams. Check specific matchup stats before selecting Gnar into certain champions.
Remember to adapt your rune shards based on lane opponent: take Armor against AD champions and Magic Resist against AP champions.
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