Best Galio Mid Build Guide for Patch 15.5 - 54.5% Win Rate
Galio Mid is a strategic pick with a current win rate of 54.5% based on 19,006 matches. Here's the optimal build and strategy guide:
Core Build
- Summoner Spells: Flash, Teleport
- First Item: Hollow Radiance
- Boots: Mercury's Treads
- Core Items: Riftmaker, Zhonya's Hourglass, Thornmail, Frozen Heart
Optimal Runes
- Primary: Aftershock, Shield Bash, Bone Plating, Overgrowth
- Secondary: Nimbus Cloak, Transcendence
- Shards: Adaptive Force (x2), Health Scaling
Ability Order Q > W > E
Strong Matchups (55%+ WR)
- Diana (55.7%)
- Katarina (54.4%)
- Mel (54.2%)
- Malzahar (54.2%)
- Akali (53.5%)
Weak Matchups (Avoid)
- Swain (42.8%)
- Anivia (45.9%)
- Veigar (46.4%)
- Ahri (46.5%)
- Karma (46.7%)
Key Tips
- Push wave with Q+E combo before using Ultimate (R) to roam
- Position defensively post-level 6 as R provides utility rather than combat power
- Set up ganks by maintaining wave control near your tower
- Use empowered auto-attacks for efficient wave clear
Best Synergies
- Amumu (55.3% WR)
- Bel'Veth (53.7%)
- Gwen (53.3%)
- Darius (53.2%)
- Warwick (53.1%)
Alternative Build (53.6% WR)
- First Item: Sunfire Aegis
- Boots: Plated Steelcaps
- Core: Riftmaker, Zhonya's Hourglass, Thornmail, Frozen Heart
Off-Meta Build (51.3% WR)
- Runes: Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Grisly Mementos, Treasure Hunter
- Secondary: Nimbus Cloak, Scorch
- Items: Stormsurge, Sorcerer's Shoes, Shadowflame, Zhonya's, Rabadon's, Banshee's
Always adjust your build based on team composition and matchup specifics for optimal performance.
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