Best Fiora Top Build Guide & Runes for Patch 15.3 | 54.5% Win Rate
Fiora Build Guide For Top Lane
Win Rate: 54.5% (based on 3,419 matches)
Most Popular Build:
- Summoner Spells: Flash, Teleport
- Core Items: Ravenous Hydra > Plated Steelcaps > Trinity Force
- Full Build: Add Hullbreaker, Death's Dance, Sterak's Gage
- Skill Order: Q > E > W
- Runes:
- Primary: Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Last Stand
- Secondary: Bone Plating, Unflinching
- Shards: Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Health Scaling
Strong Against:
- Pantheon (56.6% WR)
- Mordekaiser (56.0% WR)
- Ornn (55.7% WR)
- Illaoi (55.6% WR)
- Olaf (54.5% WR)
Weak Against:
- Warwick (38.8% WR)
- Nasus (41.6% WR)
- Malphite (42.2% WR)
- Ryze (43.5% WR)
- Kayle (43.5% WR)
Alternative Builds:
Tank-Oriented (52.4% WR):
- Runes: Grasp of the Undying, Demolish, Second Wind, Unflinching
- Secondary: Manaflow Band, Scorch
- Same core items as popular build
Aggressive Build (56.5% WR):
- Summoner Spells: Flash, Ignite
- Runes: Press the Attack, Presence of Mind, Legend: Alacrity, Last Stand
- Items: Same core + Spear of Shojin, Death's Dance, Maw of Malmortius
Key Tips:
- Focus on split-pushing and dueling rather than team fighting
- Trade when enemy abilities are on cooldown
- Excel in extended trades
- Adjust rune shards based on lane matchup (Armor vs Magic Resist)
Best Synergies:
- Warwick (57.3% WR)
- Nidalee (54.7% WR)
- Nocturne (54.0% WR)
- Diana (53.3% WR)
- Kha'Zix (53.0% WR)
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