Best Elise Jungle Build & Runes Guide: 52.4% Win Rate in Patches 15.4+
For Elise jungle, the most effective build currently maintains a 52.4% win rate across 5,470 matches. Here's the optimal setup:
Core Build:
- Summoner Spells: Flash + Smite
- First Items: Stormsurge → Sorcerer's Shoes → Shadowflame
- Full Build: Add Zhonya's Hourglass → Void Staff → Rabadon's Deathcap
- Skill Order: Q → W → E

Pro player Emps headshot
Recommended Runes:
- Primary: Dark Harvest, Cheap Shot, Grisly Mementos, Relentless Hunter
- Secondary: Triumph, Coup de Grace
- Shards: Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Health Scaling
Strong Matchups (Win Rate):
- Nidalee (60.6%)
- Skarner (57.8%)
- Teemo (57.3%)
- Gragas (56.3%)
- Master Yi (55.6%)
Weak Matchups (Win Rate):
- Yorick (41.9%)
- Nocturne (43.7%)
- Talon (44.3%)
- Ivern (44.8%)
- Taliyah (44.9%)
Pro Tips:
- Use E to cross Baron/Dragon pits for objective steals
- Get close before using E for guaranteed stuns
- Start camps in human form, use Q+W, then switch to Spider form
Best Synergies:
- Aphelios (55.9%)
- Ashe (55.3%)
- Twitch (52.7%)
- Sivir (52.2%)
- Jinx (52.0%)
Alternative builds include Electrocute-based setups (50.7% WR) and Lich Bane rush builds (58.0% WR). Adjust your build based on team composition and matchup specifics.
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