Best Counter Picks and Tips vs Graves Jungle
Graves Counter Guide
Stand behind minions or monsters when fighting Graves, as they block his auto-attack damage and consume his bullets. This is especially effective around Scuttle Crab.
Avoid fighting near terrain, as Graves uses walls to make his Q explode faster. Don't engage him unless he's low on health and ammunition, as he excels at dueling and kiting.
Key Counter Strategies:
- Maintain vision around jungle entrances
- Group up to prevent him from isolating targets
- Apply CC to counter his mobility
- Travel through warded areas to avoid ambush
- Avoid solo encounters, especially if he's ahead
Strong Counter Picks:
- Rengar
- Zyra
- Nunu & Willump
- Amumu
- Xin Zhao
Power Spike Windows:
- Early Game (Levels 1-4): Extremely strong in 1v1 jungle fights
- Level 6: Major dueling power spike with Ultimate
- Mid-Game: Excels at picking off isolated targets
Weak Against:
- Heavy CC compositions
- Tanky team comps
- Grouped objectives
- Early jungle invades with team support
Remember to communicate Graves' position with your team and avoid fighting him during his power spikes unless you have a significant advantage or team support.
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