Best Counter Picks Against Maokai Support
Maokai Support Counter Guide
Effective counters for Maokai support include Galio, Tahm Kench, Thresh, Zilean, and Janna. These champions can disengage from Maokai's engage attempts or provide better utility for their team.
Laning Phase Tips:
- Position away from bottom lane bushes to avoid E (Sapling) damage
- Match or beat Maokai to level 2 to prevent his strong all-in potential
- Maintain maximum range while poking to avoid his W (Twisted Advance)
Strategic Counters:
- Avoid jungle fights where Maokai's ultimate is most effective
- Maintain proper positioning to prevent W isolation picks
- Ward side lanes to spot potential flanking attempts
- Split team formation when Maokai's ultimate approaches
Power Spike Awareness:
- Level 2: Strong all-in potential with W lockdown
- Level 3: Bush control with E saplings
- Team fights: Ultimate provides significant crowd control
Strong Counter Picks:
- Galio
- Tahm Kench
- Thresh
- Zilean
- Janna
- Senna
- Alistar
- Braum
Weak Picks Against Maokai:
- Immobile supports
- Champions lacking disengage
- Melee supports without tankiness
Team Fight Positioning:
- Maintain distance from choke points
- Split formation when ultimate is available
- Keep vision control in side bushes
- Stay behind minion waves to avoid W engage
Understanding these counter strategies and implementing them effectively will significantly improve your chances of success against Maokai support.
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