Best Conqueror Runes for Mordekaiser Top - Patch 15.4
Precision/Resolve Runes for Mordekaiser Top 50.4% Win Rate | 87.9% Pick Rate (50,761 matches) in Patch 15.4
Primary Runes (Precision):
- Keystone: Conqueror
- Triumph
- Legend: Alacrity
- Last Stand
Secondary Runes (Resolve):
- Second Wind
- Revitalize
Strong Matchups (Win Rate):
- Malphite (56.1%)
- Illaoi (55.3%)
- Maokai (54.4%)
- Wukong (54.2%)
- Dr. Mundo (53.4%)
- Poppy (52.9%)
Weak Matchups (Win Rate):
- Cassiopeia (39.3%)
- Heimerdinger (44.9%)
- Vayne (45.0%)
- Singed (45.2%)
- Fiora (46.5%)
- Warwick (46.6%)
Best Jungle Synergies:
- Master Yi (54.0%)
- Wukong (53.7%)
- Kindred (53.4%)
- Jarvan IV (53.3%)
- Darius (53.2%)
- Rengar (52.9%)
Key Tips:
- Target priority threats with Ultimate (R) in teamfights to isolate them from their team
- Maximize W shield before trading with enemies
- Wait for ranged champions to use their mobility abilities before attempting to land E
Combat Strategy:
- Store damage on W for effective trading
- Use R strategically on high-value targets
- Counter ranged champions by timing their mobility cooldowns
- Focus on landing E after enemy mobility skills are used
This build and strategy guide is optimized for Top lane Mordekaiser in current meta conditions.
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