Best Champion Counters for Maokai Support
Maokai Counter Guide: Tips & Strategy
Playing against Maokai in the support role requires understanding his key abilities and exploiting his weaknesses.
Strong Counters to Maokai:
- Taric
- Swain
- Leona
- Braum
- Renata Glasc
Laning Phase Tips:
- Stay away from bottom-side bushes to avoid Sapling (E) damage
- Match or beat Maokai to level 2 to prevent all-in potential
- Maintain maximum range to prevent his root (W) engage
- Use ranged champions to harass safely
Mid-Game Strategy:
- Avoid jungle fights where his ultimate is most effective
- Keep team positioned together during sieges to prevent picks
- Ward side lanes to spot potential flanks
- Split up when you see his ultimate to minimize CC impact
Power Spike Awareness:
- Level 2: Strong all-in potential with W-Q combo
- Level 3: Bush control with E (Saplings)
- Team fights: Ultimate provides massive zone control
General Counterplay:
- Pick long-range supports with disengage
- Control vision around objectives
- Position away from bushes during laning
- Coordinate with team to avoid clustered formations
Poor Matchups vs Maokai:
- Sona
- Shaco
- Alistar
- Fiddlesticks
- Galio
Combat Tips:
- Bait out his abilities before engaging
- Focus on poking from safe distance
- Coordinate with jungler for ganks when his W is down
- Buy early boots to dodge Saplings
- Consider building early magic resistance
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