Best ARAM Builds & Guide for Ahri | League of Legends
ARAM Build Guide for Ahri
Ahri currently holds a 45.7% win rate in ARAM, based on 63,487 matches. Here's the optimal build to maximize your performance.
ARAM-Specific Balance Changes:
- Healing Received: Reduced to 90% (from 100%)
Core Runes:
- Primary: Electrocute, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, Ultimate Hunter
- Secondary: Manaflow Band, Transcendence
Summoner Spells:
- Flash
- Mark (Snowball)
Build Path:
Starting Items:
- Lost Chapter
- Amplifying Tome
Core Items:
- Liandry's Anguish
- Shadowflame
- Zhonya's Hourglass
Full Build:
- Liandry's Anguish
- Shadowflame
- Zhonya's Hourglass
- Void Staff
- Rabadon's Deathcap
- Sorcerer's Shoes
Skill Order:
- Q - Orb of Deception
- W - Fox-Fire
- E - Charm
Key Combos:
- Basic Trade: Q > W + Auto Attack
- Quick Trade: Auto Attack > W > Q
- All-in (Level 3): E > Q > W + Auto Attack
Similar Champions:
- LeBlanc (Hard)
- Katarina (Hard)
- Annie (Average)
- Zoe (Hard)
Situational Items:
- Morellonomicon (vs. Healing)
- Banshee's Veil (vs. AP Threats)
- Demonic Embrace (vs. Tank-heavy Teams)
- Cosmic Drive (for Additional Mobility)
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