2024 Rek'Sai Champion Guide: Jungle Mastery & Early Game Domination
Early Game Strategy
Start with Q and focus on efficient jungle clear using the combo: W-Q-AA (Knockup)-AA-Q-AA-AA-AA-E. Move constantly between camps to utilize your passive healing from fury and enemy detection.
Skill Order Priority:
- Q (max first) - Main damage source
- W (second skill, max last) - Healing and knockup
- E (max second) - True damage and tunnel mobility
- R (whenever available)
Core Gameplay Elements:
Champion gank combo:
- Tunnel toward enemy (W-E)
- Q for vision if needed
- Apply Blue Smite
- AA for knockup
- Q reset
- Build fury with AA
- Use empowered E
- R as execute or escape
Build Path
Starting Items:
- Emberknife
- Refillable Potion
Core Items:
- Prowler's Claw
- Death's Dance
- Black Cleaver
Situational Items:
- Guardian Angel
- Maw of Malmortius
- Edge of Night
Key Tips:
- Use tunnels creatively for unexpected gank angles
- Maintain constant movement to maximize passive healing
- R can dodge CC and critical abilities
- Track enemy movement while burrowed
- Focus on early game pressure and objective control
Rek'Sai Abilities
Rek'Sai Runes
Rek'Sai Items
Remember to adapt your build and strategy based on team composition and game state.
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